Sikh kids are often harassed or bullied at school because they are Sikh, because they wear turbans or have long hair, or because they look different from others. You have right to stop a student or a teacher from threatening you, scaring you, attacking you, calling you names, or just making you feel bad about being Sikh or South Asian. Stand up for what you believe in and use the law to help you!
Read the “Know Your Rights” sheets posted here to find out more information.
For more information, check out these other sections of
Print out the factsheet for the state where you go to school. If your state is not listed here, print out any one of the documents below and refer to the "Federal Rights" page.
Federal Fact Sheet
What Sikhs Should Know about Bias-based Bullying in NYC Schools – ENGLISH
What Sikhs Should Know about Bias-based Bullying in NYC Schools – PUNJABI
New York City's Respect for All Initiative - ENGLISH
New York City's Respect for All Initiative - PUNJABI
Rights of Immigrant Students and Parents in NYC Public Schools - ENGLISH
Rights of Immigrant Students and Parents in NYC Public Schools - PUNJABI
Hatred in the Hallways Report
New Jersey Education Commissioner Memorandum re: Sikh Students
New Jersey Harassment Regulation
Has someone harassed you or discriminated against you because you’re a Sikh? If so, the Sikh Coalition wants to hear about it. Enter your incident into our online database and we’ll make sure to take it up with the proper authorities.
Do you have a question about Sikhism that you need answered? We have experts taking your questions on a new topic every month. Then you can read the answer in the Khalsa Kids discussion forum.